Daily Prayer from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer

Morning prayer and evening prayer according to the Church of England Prayerbook. The lectionary used passes through the whole Bible each year (without any omissions), including the New Testament twice. The Psalms are from Coverdale's translation as in the BCP. The Litany follows on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. The readings are not replaced with seasonal propers on the assumption you are attending a Sunday service in addition. The prayers for our Rulers are in the form used outside of England. This is a work in very slow progress!

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Morning Prayer for 26 Jul

Canticle Venite, exultemus Domino
Psalms 119
The First Lesson Judges 4
Canticle Benedicite, omnia opera
The Second Lesson 2 Thessalonians 3
Canticle Benedictus. (St. Luke i. 68)
The Litany Follows
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Evening Prayer for 26 Jul

Psalms 119
The First Lesson Ezra 4
Canticle Cantate Domino (Psalm xcviii.)
The Second Lesson Matthew 7,1-14
Canticle Deus misereatur (Psalm lxvii)
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Morning Prayer for 27 Jul

Canticle Venite, exultemus Domino
Psalms 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125
The First Lesson Judges 5
Canticle Te Deum Laudamus
The Second Lesson Galatians 1
Canticle Jubilate Deo. Psalm c.
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Evening Prayer for 27 Jul

Psalms 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131
The First Lesson Ezra 5
Canticle The Magnificat
The Second Lesson Matthew 7,15-29
Canticle Nunc dimittis (St. Luke ii. 29)
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Morning Prayer for 28 Jul

Canticle Venite, exultemus Domino
Psalms 132, 133, 134, 135
The First Lesson Judges 6
Canticle Benedicite, omnia opera
The Second Lesson Galatians 2
Canticle Benedictus. (St. Luke i. 68)
The Litany Follows
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Evening Prayer for 28 Jul

Psalms 136, 137, 138
The First Lesson Ezra 6
Canticle Cantate Domino (Psalm xcviii.)
The Second Lesson Matthew 8,1-17
Canticle Deus misereatur (Psalm lxvii)
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Morning Prayer for 29 Jul

Canticle Venite, exultemus Domino
Psalms 139, 140
The First Lesson Judges 7
Canticle Te Deum Laudamus
The Second Lesson Galatians 3
Canticle Jubilate Deo. Psalm c.
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Evening Prayer for 29 Jul

Psalms 141, 142, 143
The First Lesson Ezra 7
Canticle The Magnificat
The Second Lesson Matthew 8,18-34
Canticle Nunc dimittis (St. Luke ii. 29)
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Morning Prayer for 30 Jul

Canticle Venite, exultemus Domino
Psalms 144, 145, 146
The First Lesson Judges 8
Canticle Benedicite, omnia opera
The Second Lesson Galatians 4
Canticle Benedictus. (St. Luke i. 68)
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Evening Prayer for 30 Jul

Psalms 147, 148, 149, 150
The First Lesson Ezra 8
Canticle Cantate Domino (Psalm xcviii.)
The Second Lesson Matthew 9,1-17
Canticle Deus misereatur (Psalm lxvii)
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Morning Prayer for 31 Jul

Canticle Venite, exultemus Domino
Psalms 144, 145, 146
The First Lesson Judges 9,1-21
Canticle Te Deum Laudamus
The Second Lesson Galatians 5
Canticle Jubilate Deo. Psalm c.
The Litany Follows
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Evening Prayer for 31 Jul

Psalms 147, 148, 149, 150
The First Lesson Ezra 9
Canticle The Magnificat
The Second Lesson Matthew 9,18-38
Canticle Nunc dimittis (St. Luke ii. 29)
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